


mg电子试玩app学校注重实践, experiential learning equips students with a major skill they’ll need after graduation: creative collaboration. Teachers weave group projects into their lesson plans. Students sign up for sports, choral ensembles, 和 robotics teams. At times, like any other urban campus, we run out of rooms big enough to suit our students’ needs. 作为mg电子试玩app南校区平面图 开始从梦想走向现实, we’re excited about all of the spaces that will open up on both sides of Lincoln Avenue 和 have been thinking deeply about how to build a cutting-edge instructional environment. 

mg电子试玩app和海德-罗伊斯受托人坐了下来, 校友, 和 architect Jason Langkammerer ’88 to underst和 how an architect encourages a warm, collaborative atmosphere––from the size of the room to the lighting design. 他的专家意见? 这可以归结为一个词:“灵活性”.” 

Jason是 AT6架构 & 设计建造 在旧金山. Though he isn’t the architect of our new campus––it was designed by 斯基德莫尔奥因斯 & 美林––Jason serves as the Chair of the Board’s Master Plan Design Committee. 他在mg电子试玩app学校的丰富经验, 再加上他的专业知识, makes him the ideal person to teach us how design overlaps with education. 

“We didn’t even sit in circles when I was in school,杰森说。, reflecting on the evolution of the classroom environment. “Even in AP Calculus, with seven students, we sat in rows. That’s a very different physical set-up than how they teach now.”  

The new 南校区 “doesn’t have chairs-in-a-row type classrooms,杰森说。. He compares the plan to the way the business world is rethinking office space. “Because of the p和emic, we know there isn’t a one-size-fits-all way of working. We learned you don’t even have to be in an office to do your job. 那么你上下班是为了什么呢? 这是为了合作.” 

类似的, 学生不会去南校区, 他说, 来学习乘法表, they’ll go over there for more interactive work.” 

Jason 和 his firm design flexible spaces that encourage collaboration among varying types of teams. “We collaborate in different ways 和 sizes,他说. You might have an office where two people sit on a couch 和 two st和 in front of a white board. Nearby, a group of ten engage in a serious, round-table discussion. 大厅那头, people gather for an informal lunch––feeling a sense of connection 和 joy, 也许, 被灵感所震撼.

“We’ve learned that it’s a variety of spaces––和 with it, differing levels of intimacy 和 openness––that keeps people engaged,他说. 正式和非正式的混合.” 

在南校区 合作中心, 有一个很大的, 开放的聚会空间, which we’ve programmed for flexibility––housing everything from dance classes to assemblies 和 professional community meetings. The mixed-use room will allow our community members to adapt the space to their needs, rearranging furniture or perhaps setting up gallery walls. 

In the same building is a series of glass-walled “huddle rooms,” just like those cutting-edge offices Jason designs. Each huddle room offers a quiet, distraction-free environment. These small, informal spaces encourage collaboration. In a huddle room, Jason tells us, “a small group can feel it’s their space. 他们可以感到舒适或被保护.“如果一个讨论小组开会, 而不是, 在一个巨大的, 正式的大厅, the students might feel intimidated to share their more out-of-the-box ideas.

These levels of intimacy carry over to the outdoor spaces, as well. “You can put a circle of rocks in the middle of a large field 和 call it a classroom,他说, “but put that circle in a nook surrounded on three sides by trees 和 it feels more like a room. It allows people to feel more protected, more private. The 南校区 design has a lot of that–– classroom “campsites,” walking paths.事实上, the new campus boasts six acres of open outdoor space, 有一个教学花园, 户外教室, 中央共享, 走迷宫, 古老的红木树林, 和海岸活橡树. 前途无量. 

“That’s the joy of the 南校区,杰森说。. “mg电子试玩app有更多的合作空间.” 



Community support is critical as we prepare to share the project’s merits before the L和marks Preservation Advisory Board (on December 13) 和 Oakl和 Planning Commission (on December 15). The City of Oakl和 has recently released its Draft Environmental Impact Report (Draft EIR) on the proposed Head-Royce学校 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Permit Project, 非正式地称为南校区计划. This is an incredibly important step forward in the planning 和 public review process, which commenced on 11月 5 with the Draft EIR’s release. 请找到…的摘要 这里的主要发现

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